Browser lincah k-meleon

27 June 2009

Mungkin yang anda ketahui saat ini browser banyak di gunakan adalah FIREFOX, OPERA, SAFARI dll. Semua itu adalah browser terkenal, tapi apakah anda tau browser K-MELEON? Browser yang katanya saudara dari FIREFOX ini lebih ringan dan lebih cepat di banding dengan firefox. Juga file yang tergolong kecil yaitu 5,5Mb. Saya rasa browser yang satu ini patut di perhitungkan. Karena banyak sekali kelebihan yang dimiliki. Seperti add ons yang sudah terpasang original meskipun tidak semaksimal firefox. Juga skin yang bermacam-macam, ada theme, ada apa lagi ya? sorry aku agak lupa sengihnampakgigi

Pokoknya banyak kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh browser K-MELEON. Tapi tentunya masih banyak kekurangan namanya juga masih baru. Bagi saya tidak masalah karena browser K-MELEON benar-benar sangat lincah, gesit, irit, juga cepat. bagi yang pengen download silahkan ke web resminya. tapi sayang servernya lemot banget, tapi kalau mau coba silahkan pergi ke alamat ini target="_blank"

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Resort Finance

A resort finance loan is designed specifically for businesses who are trying to start a resort or businesses which are looking to expand on an existing resort. Typically a resort finance loan is issued by a commercial lender. In some situations a business looking to get a resort finance loan may utilize a commercial loan broker. While using a commercial loan broker is not necessary the practice can lead to an improved chance of getting an approval, faster approvals and lower interest rates. This is possible because a broker will work with more than one commercial lender to get the best terms possible.

A resort finance loan is considered a fairly risky type of financing. As a result of this most lenders have extremely stiff policies surrounding them. Businesses with low credit scores often find it difficult if not possible to obtain a resort finance loan. In most situations if they are able to get a loan it is at a high interest rate. Resorts which are looking to finance an expansion with a resort finance loan may be able to get better interest rates if the resort is already showing a profit and they can demonstrate how the expansion will improve their profitability.

resort finance loan is considered a fairly risky type of financing. As a result of this most lenders have extremely stiff policies surrounding them. Businesses with low credit scores often find it difficult if not possible to obtain a resort finance loan. In most situations if they are able to get a loan it is at a high interest rate. Resorts which are looking to finance an expansion with a resort finance loan may be able to get better interest rates if the resort is already showing a profit and they can demonstrate how the expansion will improve their profitability.

A resort finance loan is considered a fairly risky type of financing. As a result of this most lenders have extremely stiff policies surrounding them. Businesses with low credit scores often find it difficult if not possible to obtain a resort finance loan. In most situations if they are able to get a loan it is at a high interest rate. Resorts which are looking to finance an expansion with a resort finance loan may be able to get better interest rates if the resort is already showing a profit and they can demonstrate how the expansion will improve their profitability.


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Cara setting gprs

14 June 2009

Sudah lama tidak posting nih, gatel banget tangan ini rasanya pengen meremas keyboard. Di postingku kali ini aku akan coba memberikan tips bagaimana cara setting gprs otomatis maupun manual. Biar kamu lebih mudah untuk mengakses internet via HP. Yang gemar chatting maupun Facebook lovers sekarang tidak perlu ngintipin komputer lagi. Cukup via HP sekarang ngenet di mana saja pun bisa. Sebenarnya ada juga cara setting gprs lain yang lebih manja sambil cuci mata, yaitu datang ke GALERI INDOSAT atau GRAPARI TELKOMSEL dsb. Itung-itung cari gebetan bro

Nah langsung saja ya? gimana cara setting gprs untuk semua operator. Berikut caranya:


Setting OTA:
Kirim SMS ke888 dengan pesan :

Setting OTA via SMS ;
Kirim SMS ke3000 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi] merk HP[spasi] tipe HP

Setting Manual :

Profile Name : INDOSATGPRS
Homepage URL :
IP Address :
Bearer : GPRS
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat
APN : indosatgprs

Profile Name : INDOSATGPRS
Homepage URL :
IP Address :
Bearer : GPRS
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat
APN : indosatmms

Setting OTA via SMS ;
Kirim SMS ke3939 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi] merk HP[spasi] tipe HP

Setting Manual :

Connection name : M3-GPRS
Access point name :
User name : gprs
Password : im3
Authentication : Normal
Homepage :
IP address :
Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)

Connection name : M3-MMS
Access point name : indosatmms
User name : indosatmms
Password : indosatmms
Authentication : Normal
Homepage :
IP address :
Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)

Setting otomatis INDOSAT Bianya sms Rp.2000 seingatku sih im3 Rp.500 tapi dah lupa aku


Kirim SMS ke 6616 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS

Kirim SMS ke 6616 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi]angka dibelakang simcard Anda (Nomor ICCID/Integrated Circuit Card Identification)
Tunggulah beberapa saat, Anda akan mendapat SMS konfirmasi bahwa aplikasi GPRS sedang diproses. Waktu yang dibutuhkan sekitar 48 jam. Setelah GPRS aktif, Anda akan mendapat notifikasi SMS lagi yang menyatakan GPRS sudah aktif.

Setting Manual :

Profile Name : TSEL GPRS
APN : Telkomsel
User name : wap
Password : wap123
Authentication : Normal
Gateway IP address :
Homepage :
Data Bearer : GPRS
Proxy port number : 9201 atau 8000

Connection Name: tel-MMS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name: mms
Username: wap
Prompt Password: No
Password: wap123
Authentication: Normal
Proxy address:
Connection Security: Off

Setting otomatis TELKOMSEL Bianya sms sekitar Rp.350


Setting OTA via SMS ;
Ketik SMS dengan isi : GPRS[spasi][spasi] Kirim ke 9667
Ketik SMS dengan isi : MMS[spasi][spasi] Kirin ke 9667

Setting Manual :

Connection Name: XL-GPRS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name:
Username: xlgprs
Prompt Password: No
Password: proxl
Authentication: Normal
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent
IP Address: Automatic
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080

Connection Name: XL-MMS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name:
Username: xlgprs
Prompt Password: No
Password: proxl
Authentication: Normal
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent
IP Address: Automatic
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080

Setting otomatis XL Bianya sms sekitar Rp.350

Setting Manual :

Settings’ Name: 3-GPRS
Homepage :
Proxies : Enable
Proxy address :
Port : 3128
GPRS access point : 3gprs
Authentication type : Normal
Login type : Automatic
Username : 3gprs
Password : 3gprs

Settings’ name : 3-MMS
Homepage :
GPRS access point : 3mms
Authentication type : Normal
Username : 3mms
Password : 3mms
Allow adverts : No


Parameter Umum GPRS
Connection Name : AXIS
Data Bearer : GPRS atau PS
Access Point Name (APN) : AXIS
Username : AXIS
Prompt Password : No
Password : 123456
Authentication : Normal
Gateway/Proxy IP Address :
Gateway/Proxy Port : 9201 atau 8080
Homepage :
Connection Security : Off
Session Mode : Permanent

Parameter Umum MMS

Connection Name : AXISmms
Data Bearer : GPRS atau PS
Access Point Name (APN) : AXISmms
Username : AXIS
Prompt Password : No
Password : 123456
Authentication : Normal
Gateway/Proxy IP Address :
Gateway/Proxy Port : 9201 atau 8080
Homepage / MMS Server : http://mmsc.AXIS
Connection Security : Off
Session Mode : Permanent

Untuk sekedar tambahan saja perdana 3 biasanya ketika kita mengaktifkan kartunya akan langsung di kirim stting gprs nya secara otomatis dan gratis. Semoga info ini bisa berguna.

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