A resort finance loan is designed specifically for businesses who are trying to start a resort or businesses which are looking to expand on an existing resort. Typically a resort finance loan is issued by a commercial lender. In some situations a business looking to get a resort finance loan may utilize a commercial loan broker. While using a commercial loan broker is not necessary the practice can lead to an improved chance of getting an approval, faster approvals and lower interest rates. This is possible because a broker will work with more than one commercial lender to get the best terms possible.
A resort finance loan is considered a fairly risky type of financing. As a result of this most lenders have extremely stiff policies surrounding them. Businesses with low credit scores often find it difficult if not possible to obtain a resort finance loan. In most situations if they are able to get a loan it is at a high interest rate. Resorts which are looking to finance an expansion with a resort finance loan may be able to get better interest rates if the resort is already showing a profit and they can demonstrate how the expansion will improve their profitability.
resort finance loan is considered a fairly risky type of financing. As a result of this most lenders have extremely stiff policies surrounding them. Businesses with low credit scores often find it difficult if not possible to obtain a resort finance loan. In most situations if they are able to get a loan it is at a high interest rate. Resorts which are looking to finance an expansion with a resort finance loan may be able to get better interest rates if the resort is already showing a profit and they can demonstrate how the expansion will improve their profitability.
A resort finance loan is considered a fairly risky type of financing. As a result of this most lenders have extremely stiff policies surrounding them. Businesses with low credit scores often find it difficult if not possible to obtain a resort finance loan. In most situations if they are able to get a loan it is at a high interest rate. Resorts which are looking to finance an expansion with a resort finance loan may be able to get better interest rates if the resort is already showing a profit and they can demonstrate how the expansion will improve their profitability.
Source http://www.articlesbase.com/
Resort Finance
27 June 2009